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Senate Unanimously Passes Collins, Carper Resolution Designating September as Campus Fire Safety Month

Washington, D.C. — Today, the Senate unanimously passed a resolution introduced by U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Tom Carper (D-DE), the co-chairs of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, designating September as Campus Fire Safety Month.  The resolution seeks to raise awareness of fire safety to prevent fire fatalities at institutions of higher education.


“As college and university students resume classes this fall, it is important that we continue to place an emphasis on fire safety, both in dormitories and in off-campus housing,” said Senator Collins.  “Our bipartisan resolution promotes fire safety education and fire prevention efforts in campus communities to help protect students and save lives.


“Today, our West Coast is grappling with one of the deadliest and most severe wildfire seasons to date,” said Senator Carper.  “By designating September as Campus Fire Safety Month, Americans are reminded of the importance of fire safety, awareness and prevention.  Students and faculty can each do their part to increase attention to fire hazards and create safer campuses across the country to help save lives.”


"CFSI thanks Senator Collins and Senator Carper for their work on declaring September 2020 as Campus Fire Safety Month,” said  Bill Webb, Executive Director, Congressional Fire Services Institute.  “Whether students are studying on-campus or learning at home, knowing how to prevent or appropriately respond to a fire can save lives today and in the future."


Since January 2000, at least 175 individuals, including students, parents, and children, have died in campus-related fires.  Approximately 87 percent of those campus-related fire deaths occurred in off-campus housing.


Senators Collins and Carper’s resolution provides educational fire safety programs to all students attending institutions of higher education, evaluates the level of fire safety provided in both on-campus and off-campus student housing, and ensures fire-safe living environments.


Click HERE to read the full resolution.

