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Senate Passes Bipartisan Energy Bill with School Energy Efficiency Provision Authored by Senator Collins

Washington, D.C.—The U.S. Senate passed the Energy Policy Modernization Act today with a provision authored by Senator Susan Collins to help make schools more energy efficient.

Senator Collins’ provision would coordinate information about existing federal programs and financial assistance that is available for schools to develop and finance energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy retrofitting projects.  Rather than create any new federal programs, the provision would appoint the Department of Energy as the leader to streamline communication and promote the existing programs.

“I’m proud that this provision will give Maine schools improved access to the resources available to help increase energy efficiency and cut costs,” said Senator Collins. “With the savings from this increased efficiency, more of our schools’ financial resources could be directed where they should be – to the classrooms and helping students learn.”

The many federal programs that already exist are currently scattered across several government agencies and are difficult for local schools and educational entities to take full advantage of.

To watch Senator Collins speaking from the Senate Floor about her bipartisan provision, click HERE.

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