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From Senate Floor, Senator Collins Announces Strong Support for VA Secretary Nominee Dr. Shulkin

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Susan Collins spoke from the Senate floor today to express her strong support for the nomination of Dr. David Shulkin to be the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

“I believe [Dr. David Shulkin’s] impressive record of service in both the public and private health care sectors, as well as his firm grasp of VA health care issues, make him extraordinarily well qualified to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs through the coming period of major reforms and continuing transformation,” said Senator Collins from the Senate floor.

Dr. Shulkin has served in numerous executive roles at hospitals across the country and has been named one of the Top 100 Physician Leaders of Hospitals and Health Systems and one of the 50 Most Influential Physician Executives in the country.

Last year, Senator Collins hosted Dr. Shulkin as he toured the Community Based Outpatient Clinic and Cary Medical Center in Caribou to see the innovative work being done to provide veterans with top quality health care close to where they live.

“During his visit to Maine, I was truly impressed by Dr. Shulkin’s understanding of the needs of rural veterans and the challenges of providing health care in rural settings. While in Maine, Dr. Shulkin listened to veterans, health care providers, and VA staff alike to ensure that our veterans receive the care they have earned through their service to our nation,” Senator Collins continued. “It is critical that the VA have a talented, experienced, and committed leader to spearhead the Department’s transformation as we seek to improve the quality and timeliness of healthcare to our veterans. Dr. Shulkin is an excellent nomination, and I urge my colleagues to support his confirmation.”

Click HERE, HERE, and HERE to watch Senator Collins’ floor statement on Dr. Shulkin

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