WASHINGTON, DC-- The final version of the fiscal year 2006 Defense Authorization bill, which is expected be approved by the U.S. Senate as early as next week, includes a provision authored by Senators Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins that will help preserve the jobs of workers at the Maine Readiness Sustainment Maintenance Center's Maine Military Authority in Limestone, Maine. The Senators' Sense of the Senate provision would express the Senate's support for a provision signed into law last year, that was also sponsored by both Senators, that provides the Secretary of the Army the authority to waive competition requirements when providing financial assistance to a State's National Guard. The Maine Readiness Sustainment Maintenance Center is funded through the National Guard bureau. This provision, for example, would enable the Maine Military Authority to be eligible for a renewed sole source contract for work on refurbishing Humvees for the Army.
Specifically, the Senators language in the Defense Authorization bill would authorize exceptions through sole source contracts related to the National Guard.
"The hard-working men and women of Limestone are vital assets to our national security and to our local economy. Their work rebuilding Humvees not only keeps our fighting men and women safe, but also provides a critical cost savings to our military. The quality and craftsmanship of these skilled individuals stands as a testament to why they should be allowed to continue to doing their essential work. We will continue to fight to ensure that their jobs are preserved," said Senators Snowe and Collins.
Senators Snowe and Collins and Representative Michaud sent a letter to the Secretary of the Army last month requesting he use the authority granted to him by law to provide additional work refurbishing vehicles at the Maine Military Authority.