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WASHINGTON, DC—With Senator Collins’ support, the U.S. Senate has approved the fiscal year 2006 Defense Appropriations bill, which includes $50 million within the DD(X) program and an additional $50 million for DDG-51 modernization, both of which benefit Bath Iron Works. Senator Collins worked to also secure the funding in the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which she is a member.  In total, the bill includes $1.8 billion for the DD(X) program, a combined $1.1 billion in research and development,  and $716 million for procurement of the DD(X). This represents the President’s request, which Senator Collins worked successfully to include in this final spending bill, despite efforts by the U.S. House  to drastically cut funding for the DD(X) program.


            The Defense spending bill also includes crucial funding for our troops, $2.9 billion in disaster assistance for victims of Hurricane Katrina, and $2 billion for the LIHEAP program which will benefit Maine this winter. In addition, the bill includes millions of dollars for defense-related projects for Maine, which will benefit America’s national security while helping to secure jobs in the State.


            In related legislation, which was also approved by the Senate today, Senator Collins was successful in her efforts to permanently prevent the Navy from proceeding with a “one shipyard” acquisition strategy, ensuring that both BIW and Ingalls will be involved in work related to the DD(X) program.


            Following Senate approval of the bill, Senator Collins said, “This legislation is good news for our national security and for BIW. The skilled workforce at BIW plays a vital role in our military and this bill includes crucial funding to ensure that BIW builds the major surface combatants that our Navy needs, including the next generation of destroyers, the DD(X) as well as modernization of the DDG-51s. 


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“As the Navy’s lead contractor on DDG Modernization design and engineering, BIW will be incorporating the first package of modernization upgrades on its fiscal year 2005 new construction ships, the DDG-111 and the DDG 112. The shipbuilding provisions in this Defense spending bill are in sharp contrast to an earlier House version of the bill, which would have slashed DD(X) funding by over $1 billion and did not include the President’s full request for the overall program or for research and development.

            “This bill provides vital funding for our troops to help ensure that they have the best resources and equipment possible to defend our nation. And it        includes vital dollars for the victims of Hurricane Katrina who are still struggling to get back on their feet following one of the worst natural disasters in our nation’s history.

            “I am also pleased that the bill includes $2 billion for the LIHEAP program including funding that could be available this winter to states like Maine, where we have so many low-income families that rely on this critical program.

            “I am very disappointed however, that a provision to allow oil and gas drilling at ANWR, something I have strongly and consistently opposed. I supported efforts to strip this provision from the bill and believe that it was out of the scope of the legislation and inappropriate for it to be included. 

            “On balance however, the funding for our troops, shipbuilding, Katrina victims, LIHEAP, and defense programs in Maine is too critical to jeopardize by killing the legislation.”

            Highlights of the bill, include defense projects for Maine are as follows:


  • Full funding of President’s Budget at $1.8 billion for the DD(X) program, BIW.


  • $50 million for the DDG-51 Modernization Program, work to be performed at BIW.


  • $1.5 million  for Persistent Surveillance, Small Airship Surveillance System, Telford Aviation


  • $1.5 million Small Watercraft Propulsion Demonstrator, Applied Thermal Sciences (ATS) in Orono


  • $1.5 million Rapid Detection of biological warfare agents in Water , Sensor Research Development Corporation (SRD)

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  • $4 million Mark V Patrol Boat Replacement Prototype, Hodgdon Yachts / University of Maine


  • $1 million M2HB Enhanced .50 Caliber Machine Gun Kit, General Dynamics Saco Center of Excellence

  • $4.5 million MK19 Modification Kits, GD Saco


  • $2 million Advanced Structures and Composites in Construction for Protective Structures, University of Maine                    


  • $1 million Visual Integrated Bridge System, Technology Systems Incorporated (TSI), based in Wiscasset

  • $1.25 million High Performance Sandwich Panel Construction Techniques, TSI


  • $1.5 million Integrated Oil Debris and Condition Sensor for Condition-Based Maintenance, BiODE-


  • $1.2 million Integrated Composite Missile Structures, Fiber Materials Inc. (FMI)


  • $1 million Low Cost Avionics, Vicus -


  • $445 million and multi-year procurement authority authority for the C-17 Globemaster III, Pratt & Whitney, full funding and multi-year procurement authority

  • $21 million New Engines for F16s for the Air National Guard, Pratt & Whitney 

  • $12.5 million EC-8 (JointSTARS) Re-Engine Initiative, Pratt & Whitney


  • $500,000 for 40mm Day/Night Training Cartridge, Titan Machine Products in Windham -


  • $1 million Personal Digital Assistant Maintenance Application Project, BNAS


  • $12.6 million Department of Defense Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, Maine EPSCoR Program / University of Maine


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  • $1 million New England Manufacturing Supply Chain, Maine MEP                     


  • $300 million for the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps program

  • $3.2 million for a wireless condition-based maintenance program for Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.