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Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins announced that the State of Maine will be receiving a total of $69,240,015 in federal funding for weatherization and energy efficiency. The funding is being distributed to Maine through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Senator Collins worked with a bipartisan group of senators to craft the legislation that became law last month.

Of the total, $41,935,015 will be for weatherization while $27,305,000 will be designated for the State Energy Program.

"One of the most effective and immediate ways we can help people stretch their energy dollars is through weatherization," said Senator Collins. "It is estimated that low-income Mainers spend at least 14 percent of their income heating their homes. Experts estimate that every dollar spent insulating walls and attics, sealing drafty doors and windows, and repairing and replacing outdated or faulty heating equipment generates about $2.72 in savings over the life of a home. During this time of economic crisis, it is good to see that this weatherization funding will help create savings for the citizens who need it the most."

According to the Department of Energy, on average, weatherization reduces home heating bills by an average of $358 per year.