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Release: Senator Collins To Be Featured In PBS Documentary On Women In Politics

WASHINGTON, D.C.— U.S. Senator Susan Collins will be featured in an upcoming documentary on women in politics to air nationally on PBS.  The documentary titled, “MAKERS: Women in Politics,” is produced by Rory Kennedy and produced and directed by Grace Lee.

Senator Collins, who was interviewed for the documentary earlier this year, was chosen to participate because of her reputation as a bipartisan deal-maker and features her role forming and leading the “Common Sense Coalition,” a bipartisan group of Senators that worked to shape the deal that ended the government shutdown in October 2013.
The documentary is scheduled to air on PBS on Tuesday, November 4th at 9pm.  It will also feature other female leaders including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Senator Olympia Snowe, and Senator Elizabeth Warren.  It is narrated by Academy Award-nominated actress Alfre Woodard.
About the filmmakers:
Emmy Award winning filmmaker Rory Kennedy has produced and directed more than 35 documentaries, covering topics from the global AIDS crisis, human rights, domestic abuse, and poverty.  Her most recent project, “Ethel,” featured an inside look at the life of her mother, Ethel Kennedy, wife to Robert F. Kennedy.  
Grace Lee is an award winning film producer whose most recent feature film, “Janeane From Des Moines,” premiered at the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival and takes place during the 2012 presidential campaign.