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A group of students from Penquis Valley High School in Milo today met with U.S. Senator Susan Collins in her Washington, D.C. office. The four students and their teacher are in our nation's capital participating in the Close Up Student Program which gives students first-hand access to the people, processes, and places that make up our federal government.

During the meeting, the students took the opportunity to ask Senator Collins a number of questions about government, her role as a United States Senator, and current Congressional legislation.

"It was a great pleasure to meet with the students from Penquis Valley High School," said Senator Collins. "The students and I were able to talk about my role as Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the importance of congressional oversight, and my role in the negotiations leading up to the recent economic stimulus legislation.

"I fondly remember meeting Senator Margaret Chase Smith during my senior year in high school. That meeting changed my life and showed me the value of public service."

Following their meeting with Senator Collins, the students were given a tour of the U.S. Capitol Building by a member of the Senator's staff. The students have been visiting the sights of Washington since Sunday. They will return to Maine on Saturday.

Meeting with Senator Collins were: Ethan Herrell, Josh Clement, Shelby Fowles, Katy Karona, and their teacher Mr. Russell Carey.

Photo: (L to R) - Senator Collins, John Clement, Ethan Herrell, Shelby Fowles, Katy Korona