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“Outstanding Students Earn Service Academy Nominations”

Each year, some of Maine’s most exceptional students are chosen to attend one of the United States military service academies. One of my greatest honors as a United States Senator is having the opportunity to nominate to the academies these exceptional students, many of whom will be our nation’s future military leaders.
Assisted by my Service Academy Selection Committee, I recently announced my nominations of more than 50 outstanding Maine students from throughout the state. These students are high school seniors who, if accepted, will enter one of the service academies shortly after graduation in 2012.

The academies include the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY; the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO; the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD; and the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY. Admission to the United States Coast Guard Academy, also a federal service academy, does not require a congressional nomination.

West Point, located 50 miles north of New York City on the Hudson River, has been training young people to become commissioned leaders in the United States Army for more than 200 years. West Point cadets participate in a rigorous academic program that parallels equally demanding physical and military training regimes. In addition, cadets participate in a series of guest lectures and other events designed to cultivate their moral and ethical development.

Those students who wish to become officers in the United States Air Force can seek an appointment to the United States Air Force Academy, located in the high altitudes of Colorado Springs. Since 1958, this academy – the youngest of all military service academies – has trained its cadets to serve as officers in the United States Air Force. Upon graduation, half of them will become pilots or navigators; others will begin technological and management careers.

The Naval Academy, located on the Chesapeake Bay in Annapolis, Maryland, trains its midshipmen for careers as officers in the United States Navy. The midshipmen complete what the academy describes as “a four-year immersion program,” educating students in the classroom, as well as on their ships and athletic fields.
Finally, the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York, teaches students how to succeed in the maritime and transportation industries or the Armed Forces. Students graduating from the Merchant Marine Academy receive a Bachelor of Science degree, a merchant marine license, and an appointment as a commissioned officer in the reserves or on active duty in the United States Armed Forces.

Admittance into any of the service academies offers the opportunity for students to receive a first-class education at no cost to their families. Further, once students graduate from an academy, they will serve our country as commissioned officers in the United States military.

The academies are very competitive and open only to those students who demonstrate the highest standards in academics, extracurricular activities, and in their personal conduct. Students who have completed their education at one of the academies would tell you that the education and leadership training they received are well worth the effort and hard work.

High school students interested in attending a service academy should start thinking about this goal early in order to complete the steps within the required deadlines for this highly competitive, but rewarding process.

In order to be considered for a military academy appointment, students must be recommended by an authorized nominating source. The most common is a congressional nomination, which includes nominations from the Vice President, Members of the U.S. Senate, and Members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

I will begin accepting applications in the spring from high school juniors seeking my nomination. Completed applications may be submitted to my Portland office until November 1st of the student’s senior year. If you are or know a high school junior who is interested in attending one of the U.S. military academies, I encourage you to contact the Academy Nominations Coordinators in my Portland office at 207-780-3575, or in my Bangor office at 207-945-0417. You can also visit my website at, which contains more detailed information about the application and nomination process, as well as the necessary forms.

Attending a military service academy is the beginning of an exciting and challenging journey of personal and professional growth and proud service to our country. I commend these outstanding students for pursuing this honorable and prestigious goal.


The following is a full list of students from Maine who have received nominations as candidates to the military academies (*note: some students received nominations to more than one service academy):

United States Naval Academy- Annapolis

Name Home Town High School

Spencer Amberson Portland Cheverus High School
Kyle Bailey Standish Bonny Eagle High School
Gordon Carroll Bangor Bangor High School
Nathaniel Chasse Alfred Noble High School
Samuel Dodge Portland Cheverus High School
Uriah Eilinger Hollis Bonny Eagle High School
William Jones Falmouth Falmouth High School
Carl Keller Whitefield The Putney School
John Lapoint IV Kennebunk The Governor’s Academy
Alexandra Marsh Rockport Camden Hills Regional High School
Christopher McKee Augusta Kents Hill School
Nicholas Morris Scarborough Scarborough High School
Michael O’Connor York York High School
Conor Patrick Winterport Hampden Academy
Kent Reichel Hampden Hampden Academy
Allyson Strachan Hebron Hebron Academy
Lukas Temple Topsham Cheverus High School
Tamara Thomson Waite Woodland High School
Wyatt Thornton Pittston Gardiner Area High School
Zandalee Toothaker Harpswell Kabasaki High School

Unites States Military Academy – West Point

Name Home Town High School

Matthew Beatrice Lebanon Noble High School
Colin Bartlett North Berwick Noble High School
Steven Bilodeau Greenville Greenville High School
Alyssa Brochu Augusta Cony High School
Samuel Chaves Alfred Massabesic High School
Matthew Fern Brewer Brewer High School
Caithline Greep Windham Windham High School
Skyler Henry Winslow Winslow High School
Connor McAleney Cape Elizabeth Bridgton Academy
Abyn Reabe-Gerwig Falmouth Falmouth High School
Kent Reichl Hampden Hampden Academy
Michael St. Denis Auburn Phillips Exeter Academy
Allyson Strachan Hebron Hebron Academy
Tamara Thomson Waite Woodland High School
Jack Verrill South Berwick Marshwood High School
Caela Waite Turner Leavitt Area High School
Abigail Wessels Morrill Belfast Area High School
Brenden Wood Vassalboro Erskine Academy

United States Air Force Academy – Colorado Springs

Name Home Town High School

Eric Arnold Saco Thornton Academy
Jonah Bacon Easton Easton High School
Steven Bilodeau Greenville Greenville High School
Cameron Dick Sidney Messalonskee High School
Matthew Fern Brewer Brewer High School
Nathaniel Fritz Bowdoin Mt. Ararat High School
Skyler Graves Bar Harbor Mt. Desert Island High School
Zachariah Jacques Saco Biddeford High School
William Jones Falmouth Falmouth High School
Cristina Leake Cumberland Catherine McCauley High School
Shane O’Connell Winslow Winslow High School
Devin Pelletier Windham Windham High School
Mathew Rumsey Waterville Winslow High School
Caela Waite Turner Leavitt Area High School

United States Merchant Marine Academy- Kings Point

Name Home Town High School

Matthew Beatrice Lebanon Noble High School
Gordon Carroll Bangor Bangor High School
Alexander Crosby Georgetown Morse High School
Erik Fischer Yarmouth Yarmouth High School
Haley Grill Bath Morse High School
Carl Keller Whitefield The Putney School
Logan Mars Scarborough Scarborough High School
Andrew Slade Gardiner Gardiner Area High School
Peter Wilcox Old Town Old Town High School
Theron Wilgus Phippsburg Brunswick High School
