In addition to Maine’s pristine scenery and well-deserved reputation as “Vacationland,” Maine’s traditionally low rate of violent crime is one of the primary reasons that our state provides an ideal place to live, work, raise a family, and retire. However, these encouraging statistics belie a troubling fact: Maine has a disproportionately high number of domestic violence deaths compared to the national average. Last year in Maine, a case of domestic violence was reported approximately once every 90 minutes. The 5,593 reports of domestic violence in 2012 marked the second consecutive rise in cases and represented a more than four percent increase over the previous year. While this disconcerting trend may indicate a greater willingness by victims to speak up and seek help, there is clearly more work to be done toward the eradication of this deplorable crime.
In October, we commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This annual observance encourages us to reflect on the thousands of domestic abuse victims in Maine and across the country who number among our family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. For one month, our attention is focused on these individuals, many of whom live in fear every day of the year, as we recognize that domestic violence is carried out behind closed doors and, too often, victims do not seek or receive the help they need until it is too late. The unacceptably high number of women, children, and men who are affected by domestic violence and the tragic effects of these abusive relationships should inspire us to come together to address this intolerable situation within our society by providing support for victims and condemning the perpetrators.
The removal of psychological and physical barriers separating domestic violence victims from vital resources should be a goal we all share. That is why, this year, I was proud to cosponsor the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). This law, first passed in 1994, provides training for law enforcement and other members of the justice system, strengthens protections for victims, and mandates tougher penalties for offenders. The VAWA also motivated many states and localities to enact their own laws increasing protections for victims of domestic violence. The effects of this legislation have helped to contribute to a 70 percent decline in the rate of intimate partner violence between 1993 and 2010.
While government can foster conditions conducive to reporting these types of crimes, create legal protections for victims, and ensure perpetrators are punished, the most crucial work toward ending domestic violence must be accomplished at the local level. Indeed, the success of the VAWA and similar types of legislation can be attributed to their empowerment of victims and communities. Domestic violence homicides are much more likely in cases where there are instances of prior abuse. Consequently, reporting these abuses is absolutely essential in order to reduce the likelihood of a tragic ending. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, call the Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline at 866-834-4357. This service provides crisis counseling, advocacy, and emotional support as well as information on resources for victims of domestic violence.
According to a 2010 study commissioned by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one in three women and one in four men have experienced rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime. While we have made significant progress on this issue, our mission is by no means complete. Together, we must ensure that this form of violence cannot hide in the shadows. This epidemic can only be solved if we stand side by side with victims and proclaim as a society that there is zero tolerance for domestic violence.