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Notebook From Senator Collins

After arriving in Jordan, I  immediately participated in a series of one-on-one bilateral meetings with world leaders from Egypt, the Palestinian Authority, Libya, and Kurdistan.   Given the turmoil throughout the region, and especially the end of Qaddafi, it was fascinating to have direct discussions with the region's top leaders.   First was my meeting with Amr Moussa, former Secretary General of the Arab League, and likely to be elected President of Eqypt in the post-Muburak era. We discussed the need for prompt elections (fine by him since he is leading in the polls!), the need of Egypt to honor its peace treaty with Israel, and how to bring stability and economic growth to the country. We discussed the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the few organized groups with power other than the military.   I expressed deep concern over the brutal attack on a peaceful protest by Coptic Christians, a group that makes up about 10 percent of the population. There are troubling reports that the Egyptian military participated in the attacks rather than protecting the protesters.