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Nearly $6.5 Million for Four Maine Dredging Projects Secured by Senator Collins in Funding Bill in First Key Step

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she secured a total of $6,450,000 for four Maine dredging projects in the draft Fiscal Year 2023 Energy and Water appropriations bill.  The bill, which was officially released by the full Senate Appropriations Committee today, must still be voted upon by the full Senate and House.


“These critical dredging projects for Maine harbors and rivers will help address significant navigational concerns for commercial fishermen and cargo vessels as well as recreational boaters,” said Senator Collins.  “Performing this maintenance on Maine’s waterways is critical to increasing safety as well as boosting our economy.  As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to champion this funding as the appropriations process moves forward.”


Details on the four Maine dredging projects Senator Collins secured are below:


Isle au Haut Thoroughfare, ME

Recipient: Army Corps

Project Location: Isle au Haut, ME

Amount Requested: $150,000

Project Purpose: To fund the next phase of environmental review and design in support of maintenance dredging of a 60-year-old federal navigation channel.


Scarborough River, ME

Recipient: Army Corps

Project Location: Scarborough, ME

Amount Requested: $4,800,000

Project Purpose: To dredge the Scarborough River to address significant shoaling that has impeded access to the commercial pier, moorings, and boat launches.


George's River, ME

Recipient: Army Corps

Project Location: Thomaston, ME

Amount Requested: $500,000

Project Purpose: To perform sampling, testing, and environmental coordination in support of maintenance dredging of George's River, which was last dredged in 1977.


Wells Harbor, ME

Recipient: Army Corps

Project Location: Wells, ME

Amount Requested: $1,000,000

Project Purpose: To fully fund maintenance dredging that was partially funded in Fiscal Year 2022 to address safety issues and restore full use of the harbor for commercial and charter Fishermen.