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Nearly $52 Million for UMaine System Advanced by Senator Collins in Funding Bills

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she advanced $51,885,000 in Congressionally Directed Spending for the University of Maine (UMaine) System in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) and Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations bills.  The legislation, which was officially approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee today, now awaits consideration by the full Senate and House.

“The brilliant faculty and students at Maine's public universities and at the flagship university are conducting cutting-edge research and making promising discoveries in a wide variety of fields,” said Senator Collins.  “This funding to support these exciting projects across the UMaine System would promote workforce development, support marine research, and help to prepare the next generation of leaders.  As the Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to advocate for this funding as the appropriations process moves forward.”

“We are deeply grateful for Senator Collins’ remarkable support of the University of Maine System.  These substantial investments will empower our students and faculty to push the boundaries of innovation and research, from enhancing our health sciences infrastructure to advancing capabilities critical to Maine's marine economy.  These funds will not only elevate our academic and research impact but support collaborations with many partners driving economic growth and community development across the state of Maine,” said Joan Ferrini-Mundy, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation for the University of Maine System.

"The University of Maine at Fort Kent will expand its workforce development efforts through a hands-on computer science working laboratory. This equipment and renovation funding will enhance existing facilities and prepare students to learn the technical skills required for in-demand careers in computer systems administration." said Deborah Hedeen, President and Provost, University of Maine at Fort Kent.

This funding advanced through the Committee’s markup of the FY 2025 CJS and THUD Appropriations bills—an important step that now allows the bill to be considered by the full Senate.  Committee consideration of legislation is a key part of regular order, which helps our government function efficiently and deliver results for the people of Maine and America.     

Funding advanced by Senator Collins is as follows:        

University of Maine at Fort Kent Computer Training Facility 

Recipient:?University of Maine at Fort Kent   

Project Location: Fort Kent, ME  

Amount Requested:?$885,000  

Project Purpose: To create a computer science working lab. 

University of Maine Health Science Complex

Recipient: University of Maine System 

Project Location: Orono, ME 

Amount Requested: $45,000,000  

Project Purpose: To support the construction of a health and life sciences complex.  

American Lobster Settlement Index Expansion

Recipient: University of Maine System 

Project Location: Walpole, ME 

Amount Requested: $1,000,000 

Project Purpose: To expand the Maine Collector Survey for lobster in the Gulf of Maine. 

Gulf of Maine Ocean Observation System 

Recipient: University of Maine System 

Project Location: Coastal counties from Washington County to York County, ME 

Amount Requested: $5,000,000  

Project Purpose: To expand the ocean observation system in the Gulf of Maine, which is used by the maritime industry. 

Earlier this month, Senator Collins advanced $750,000 for the University of Maine at Machias in the FY 2025 Agriculture, Rural Development, and Food and Drug Administration Appropriations bill.

In 2021, Congress reinstituted Congressionally Directed Spending.  Following this decision, Senator Collins has secured more than $1 billion for hundreds of Maine projects for FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024.  As the Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, Senator Collins is committed to championing targeted investments that will benefit Maine communities.  
