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Nearly $1 Million for Lewiston Canal and Riverwalk Trail Secured by Senator Collins in Funding Bill in First Key Step

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she secured $979,000 for the Lewiston Canal and Riverwalk Trail in the draft Fiscal Year 2023 Transportation,  Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill. 


As the Ranking Member and lead Republican on the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Collins secured funding for this project in the bill, which was officially released by the full Senate Appropriations Committee today and must now be voted upon by the full Senate and House.


“The Lewiston Canal and Riverwalk has been a key piece of the city’s revitalization and provides an excellent opportunity for local residents and visitors to enjoy the beauty of the Androscoggin River,” said Senator Collins.  “By extending this path, this funding would build on this success and provide more transportation and recreational opportunities in the city.  As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to champion this funding as the appropriations process moves forward.”


The funding would be used to support the expansion of Lewiston’s multi-use riverfront trail to link the new Auburn Village Center and Lewiston’s Little Canada neighborhood, as recommended in the City’s 2012 Riverfront Island Master Plan. This new section of trail will assist with redevelopment of the Continental Mill, a 650,00 sq. ft. former mill, as well as facilitate improved connections for downtown residents.