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Navy Announces Funding For DDG-51 To Be Built At BIW

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King announced today that the U.S. Navy has awarded funding for the construction of one Arleigh Burke class destroyer (DDG 51) at Bath Iron Works (BIW). This $620 million award is part of the multiyear procurement contract from 2013-2017.

“This announcement is welcome news for the hardworking men and women of Bath Iron Works,” said Senators Collins and King. “The dedicated workforce of BIW deliver the highest quality ships for our nation’s sailors making them an invaluable asset to preserving our national security. With countless threats across the globe, it’s important that the Navy preserves its combat capabilities.”

Multiyear procurement contracts are among the most effective in keeping costs low and the nation’s industrial base stable, a point U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus made in a Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing and an Armed Services Hearing earlier this month. Under this multiyear procurement contract, BIW is slated to build five DDG 51 ships from 2013 to 2017. This award will help fund construction of the 2015 ship.