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Majority Leader McConnell, Speaker Ryan Release Statement Recognizing Senator Collins’ Effort to Prevent $25 Billion Cut to Medicare

Washington, D.C.—Following the passage of a continuing resolution that includes a provision preventing an automatic cut to Medicare, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) released a statement recognizing Senator Collins’ efforts to ensure this $25 billion reduction did not go into effect.

“Senator Collins was clear throughout that we can never allow these arbitrary cuts to take place. This was a commitment made, and a commitment kept,” said Majority Leader McConnell and Speaker Ryan.

In November, Senator Collins wrote to Majority Leader McConnell to express her concern that Medicare could face an automatic four percent, or $25 billion, cut to Medicare as a result of the Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010 (PAYGO). 

In response, Majority Leader McConnell promised in writing to preventing this automatic cut, a pledge that was joined by Speaker Ryan.  That commitment was filled by the passage of the continuing resolution this evening.