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Maine Small Business Owners Praise Paycheck Protection Program

Washington, D.C.— Across Maine, small employers are giving high praise to the Paycheck Protection Program, which is helping their businesses to stay afloat and allowing them to keep paying their employees during the financial hardship caused by COVID-19.  Senator Collins announced yesterday that 11,088 Maine Small Employers are set to receive $1.87 billion in Paycheck Protection Program loans.


“I would like to express to Senator Collins and her office my deepest thanks and gratitude for her endless work in rolling out the PPP program!  We applied for the program on April 3rd with The First National Bank branch in Calais, and on April 10th we received the PPP funds in our account,” said Mike Tammaro, President, V.L. Tammaro Oil Co. Inc., in Baileyville.  “My employees—over 40 in number—are my family, many of whom have been here over 15 to 20 years…[N]ow we at least have a fighting chance of protecting my people and surviving financially to fight another day!”


“Thank you, Senator Collins.  Long Lake Marina will keep everyone employed because of this relief,” said Jim Davenport, Owner, Long Lake Marina, Naples “This relief will keep us going!"


“All of us at Ogunquit Playhouse are extraordinarily happy and relieved to hear that the Small Business Administration has approved our loan application under the Paycheck Protection Program,” said Kent Bridges, Managing Director, Ogunquit Playhouse, Ogunquit.  “Ogunquit Playhouse is the largest non-profit arts organization in the State of Maine, employing nearly 30 year-round, full-time staff. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced an uncertain future on our 2020 season, as it has with so many arts organizations and small businesses throughout our state and the country. We are so grateful to Senator Collins and everyone who made these funds available to keep our dedicated and hard-working staff employed as we navigate the coming weeks.”


“[A]s of [last week], Evergreen Credit Union has funded over $3.5 million in SBA PPP loans to Maine small businesses,” said Jason Lindstrom, President/CEO, Evergreen Credit Union, Portland.  “The credit union is at the point where we can now start taking non-members from Cumberland and York counties.  A huge thank you to Senator Collins for her efforts in getting this program going!”


Scott Vogel, owner of the Front Porch Restaurant in Ogunquit, says the program is already giving him and his employees hope for a brighter tomorrow.


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