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Maine Delegation Sends Letter to President in Support of Governor Mills’ Disaster Declaration Request

Click HERE to read the Delegation’s letter


Washington, D.C.—All four members of Maine’s Congressional Delegation wrote to President Donald Trump today to express their full support of Governor Janet Mills’ request for a Major Disaster declaration for the entire state as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. 


U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden asked the President to fully grant the Governor’s requests for federal Public Assistance and for four supplemental assistance programs under the Individual Assistance Program.


“As the oldest state by median age, Maine residents are particularly vulnerable to the disease, increasing strain on an already overburdened health care system,” Senators Collins and King and Representatives Pingree and Golden wrote.  “Additionally, our state’s economy, of which the hospitality and tourism sectors are major drivers, has been badly battered by the widespread closures that have been implemented to try to control the spread of the virus.  We’ve seen extensive school closures, cancelations of events, and many businesses have been forced to lay-off their workforce or take other dire measures.”


“The State has acted decisively to try to mitigate the spread of the virus, but the response to this pandemic has strained state and local resources, and the Governor has determined that the effects of the pandemic exceed the state’s currently available capabilities,” the Delegation continued.  “We urge you to expeditiously approve the Governor’s request for a major disaster declaration for the entire State of Maine.  The people of Maine are in great need of this federal assistance, and we thank you for your support.”


“I am grateful to Maine’s Congressional Delegation for their support,” said Governor Mills. “A Major Disaster Declaration will provide additional resources to help Maine people and businesses who are, without question, experiencing significant hardship as a result of this virus. It is my hope that the President will quickly answer our calls for assistance in full, and I appreciate his consideration.”


COVID-19 is now confirmed in 14 of Maine’s 16 counties, and community transmission has been confirmed in both Cumberland and York Counties.  It is likely that additional counties may see community transmission in the days and weeks ahead.


Click HERE to read the Delegation’s letter.