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Maine Delegation Hosts Meeting Between Maine Lobster Industry and Top U.S. Trade Officials in Portland

PORTLAND, Maine – This morning, U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representatives Chellie Pingree and Bruce Poliquin hosted a meeting between top U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) officials and members of the Maine Lobster Dealers’ Association (MLDA) to discuss the impact of federal trade policies on the state’s lobster industry.


“Maine’s lobster industry is a mainstay of our economy and supports thousands of jobs. We must ensure that trade talks consider how our state’s lobster industry and coastal communities would be affected by changing tariffs,” said the Maine Delegation. “That is why we invited the top U.S. trade officials to meet directly with Maine lobster dealers and processors, and we hope this meeting will foster an ongoing dialogue on ways to promote and expand access to overseas markets.”


Officials from the USTR included:

  • Ambassador C.J. Mahoney, Deputy US Trade Representative for Investment, Services, Labor, Environment, Africa, China, and the Western Hemisphere
  • Greg Walters, Assistant US Trade Representative for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
  • Cameron Bishop, Deputy Assistant USTR for Congressional Affairs.


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