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WASHINGTON, DC—Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and Representatives Tom Allen and Michael Michaud have released this statement regarding the BRAC Commission's decision today to formally consider Brunswick Naval Air Station for closure:

"It is unclear why the BRAC Commission decided to formally consider BNAS for closure given the comments made by Commissioners with regard to Brunswick. BNAS is a strategically located facility the nation cannot afford to lose. We note that the Commission''s decision to study closure of Brunswick neither represents nor foreshadows a final decision to close the base.

"We also believe that today's decision reflects the Commission's skepticism about realignment, rather than a conclusion that BNAS should be closed.

"In addition, we believe that our case for keeping Brunswick open and fully operational is being positively received by the Commission. In its public deliberations today, several Commissioners indicated doubts about the Defense Department''s plan to remove aircraft from Brunswick. BRAC Commission Chairman Principi noted that closure of northeastern facilities, including BNAS, would result in a virtual abandonment by DoD in our region of the nation. One Commissioner even discussed adding military assets to Brunswick.

"A full review of BNAS and its strategic location will enable the Commission to conclude that closure is not an option. It is encouraging that as late as yesterday, the Department of Defense maintained that it must retain BNAS in some capacity. On ten separate occasions, the Defense Department took closure of Brunswick off the table and that is what we will continue to stress with the Navy. We note that the Department of Defense has provided no new information to the BRAC Commission that would justify closing BNAS.

"From day one, we have fought closure of BNAS, and the Commission''s decision does not change our strategy. We are convinced that for the good of the nation, Brunswick must remain open as a fully operational base."