Follow is the full text of the Congressional Delegation's letter: Dear Undersecretary Grone:
We are writing to bring to your attention our concerns regarding the proposed changes in the Department's regulations governing the disposal of property at installations being closed as a result of the BRAC process, and the impact on Base Closure Communities.
The recent decision by the Base Closure and Realignment Commission to close the Brunswick Naval Air Station (BNAS), a facility of great economic significance to the surrounding communities and to the State of Maine, requires careful review of the impact the proposed regulatory changes will have on the base closure process. We have attached to our letter comments from the Honorable John E. Baldacci, Governor of Maine, and from the Towns of Brunswick and Topsham, Maine, which raise concerns regarding these proposed changes. We share these concerns, and incorporate them herein.
In our view, it is imperative that the regulatory process support the mitigation of economic impacts on communities affected by base closures. With this in mind, we highlight in particular the following concerns raised by the State and the towns:
• Economic Development Conveyances: We note that Economic Development Conveyances (EDCs) have been a fundamental tool in the redevelopment of closed installations. In the past, these EDCs have been used to transfer installation property to the local community at a price below fair market value. We are concerned that the proposed change in language directing the Department to seek fair market value will impede the transfer of the BNAS property, and work against the goal of revitalizing the economy of the affected community.
• Maintenance of Assets: It is essential that installation assets be properly maintained by the Department until the disposal of those assets is complete. The proposed regulations reduce the time that the Department remains responsible for the maintenance of installation assets, and transfers responsibility for maintenance even before the installation is closed. This proposed change would place an undue hardship on the local community, already burdened by the loss of economic activity at the base.
• Authority of the Office of the Secretary: The proposed rule contemplates the transfer of authority over the implementation of BRAC actions to the individual Secretaries for each service branch. We are concerned that this proposed transfer could lead to inconsistent applications of the regulations, and therefore recommend that the Office of the Secretary retain the role and responsibilities assigned in previous BRAC rounds.
Thank you for your attention to the concerns we have raised with regard to the proposed regulatory changes.