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Maine’s Congressional Delegation, Governor Mills Convene Call on COVID-19

Augusta, ME—Today, Governor Janet Mills and U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and U.S. Representatives Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden convened a Zoom conference call to discuss COVID-19 and the Congressional Delegation’s work in Congress to support the State’s efforts.


“We had a productive, in-depth discussion this morning regarding Maine’s response to the ongoing public health and economic crisis, including our joint efforts to increase testing availability, prepare for vaccine distribution, and deliver additional state and local aid,” said Governor Mills, Senators Collins and King, and Representatives Pingree Golden. “We all agree that we urgently need an additional federal relief package to support families, small businesses, employees, students, and health care providers who are struggling, and we discussed the latest framework for a COVID-19 relief package proposed by Senators Collins, King, and a bipartisan group of their colleagues. We have stood united in advocating for the resources Maine needs, and we remain committed to working together to help our families and communities weather this storm.”


Since March, Congress has passed five bills and provided around $3 trillion in COVID-19 relief, including more than $8 billion for Maine, which is approximately double Maine’s annual budget. Under Governor Mills, the State has committed $1.24 of the $1.25 billion in CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF), almost half of which has gone to support Maine businesses, including money to replenish the Unemployment Trust Fund.  On Tuesday, Senators Collins and King joined a bipartisan, bicameral group in announcing a $908 billion COVID-19 emergency relief framework. 

