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ICYMI: “Group Threatens Sen. Collins with $1.3 Million Donation Over Kavanaugh Vote”

Newsmax | David Patten

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“…A left-leaning activist organization, Mainers for Accountable Leadership (MFAL), is teaming up with an organization called the Maine People’s Alliance, to crowdsource a fundraising campaign targeting [U.S. Senator Susan] Collins in her 2020 re-election if she votes to confirm Kavanaugh.


“But the fundraising has a catch. ‘Donors’ are asked to pledge a donation against Collins, money that will only be charged to their credit card if she makes a yes vote for President Trump’s nominee.



“In an exclusive statement to Newsmax, Collins stated:


“‘I consider this quid pro quo fundraising to be the equivalent of an attempt to bribe me to vote against Judge Kavanaugh.


“‘If I vote against him, the money is refunded to the donors. If I vote for him, the money is given to my opponent for the 2020 race,’ she said.


“She emphasized ‘this effort will not influence my vote at all,’ adding, ‘I think it demonstrates the new lows to which the judge’s opponents have stooped.’



“A prominent Republican elections attorney, Cleta Mitchell of Foley & Lardner, told Newsmax this unusual fundraising effort may violate election laws.


“‘They’re trying to tie her official action to their threat that they’re going to give $1 million to somebody to run against her, if she doesn’t vote the way [they want her] to.’


“Mitchell questioned the legality of the attempt to politically strong-arm Collins.


“‘It is certainly raising the specter of whether or not this violates the United States criminal code to prohibitions against attempted bribery, by linking official actions to monetary reward,’ she said.


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