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On behalf of its almost 71,000 supporters in Maine, The Humane Society of the United States, together with its affiliate, the Humane Society Legislative Fund, will present an award to U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, for her leadership on animal protection legislation in 2009.

Sen. Collins will receive a Legislative Leader award for her leadership on a resolution urging an end to Canada's commercial seal hunt, and bills to require the accurate labeling of fur apparel regardless of dollar value (closing a loophole in the current law which allows many fur-trimmed garments to be sold without labels disclosing the use of real fur or the species used) and to address climate change.

"We commend Senator Collins for taking the lead in seeking to strengthen federal animal welfare policies," said Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO of The HSUS.
We're lucky to have her powerful voice on behalf of the animals and the many citizens who care about their protection."

Every year, the Humane Society Legislative Fund compiles a federal Humane Scorecard to provide a snapshot of animal protection issues considered by the U.S. Congress and give animal advocates a tool to assess the performance of their Senators and Representatives. The scorecard tracks key votes as well as co-sponsorship of important pro-animal bills and signing an annual letter seeking funds needed to enforce key animal welfare laws.

In total, 131 legislators - one-third of the Senate and nearly one-quarter of the House (representing 36 states and two U. S. territories) - will receive awards for their work in 2009.

"We're grateful to the many Members of Congress who are helping to forge a path to a more humane future through their demonstrated leadership on animal protection legislation," said HSLF President Michael Markarian. "Our animal welfare laws are a reflection of our basic values and attitudes shared by people across the country."

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal protection organization - backed by 11 million Americans, or one of every 28. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs.
