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Following Strong Advocacy from THUD Chairman Susan Collins, Senate Passes Bipartisan Amendment Providing $1.1 Billion to Address Zika Threat

Washington, D.C.—Following strong advocacy and leadership from U.S. Senator Susan Collins, the Chairman of the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, the Senate passed a bipartisan amendment to the THUD bill that would provide $1.1 billion in emergency funding to address the Zika threat, including $361 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and $200 million for the National Institutes of Health. 

“It is imperative that we take steps to combat the Zika virus.  To that end, I support the Blunt-Murray agreement to provide an additional $1.1 billion to combat the Zika virus, including $361 million for the CDC and $200 million for the National Institutes of Health,” Senator Collins stated from the Senate floor earlier today.  “The CDC has sounded the alarm in its warning about a Zika outbreak in the United States.  It is essential that we devote sufficient financial resources to meet this new challenge.”

The bipartisan amendment was introduced by Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Patty Murray (D-WA). The THUD bill is currently being considered by the full Senate.

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