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E-News: Tourning Maine's Small Business & Job Creators

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Touring Maine's Small Businesses & Job Creators  

VA Dedicates New Women's Clinic at Togus

Commemorating 200 Years in Newport

Celebrating Independence Day 

Mourning Frances Bloxam 

Meeting with Mainers

    Touring Maine's Small Businesses & Job Creators


(Click the play button above or click here to watch the WAGM TV story)


Maine Senator Susan Collins is touring small businesses throughout Aroostook County. The first stop? Houlton--home of Bison Pumps, the 2013 Aroostook County Entrepreneurs of The Year. Collins says if federal lawmakers want to see more businesses grow on American soil, it’s important those same lawmakers show they support small businesses.

Sen. Susan Collins says “it is so important that we support small businesses such as this one, and it is great to see that they’re expanding internationally—that they have clients and dealers all over the world.”

“It’s incredibly important to have lawmaker support. There are a lot of things that we do for our business that require support from our federal government and state government, and it’s nice that she takes the time to come and see what we’re doing and talk to us about what some of our issues and concerns are,” adds David Harbison, the owner of Bison Pumps.

Collins met Bison Pumps’ workers, many of whom graduated from Northern Maine Community College. Harbison says he’s pleased to grow a business and workforce that’s County based. Collins says that makes her especially proud, since she helped launch an innovation program that helped educate many of his staff.

Collins adds “it is particularly interesting to meet so many of the graduates of the machinist program at Northern Maine Community College, because, years ago, I helped get the seed money to get that program going, and today we see these very talented skilled machinists working at good jobs.”

The first three years of a new business are critical. It’s during that time a business will either sink or swim. Collins says it’s the government’s responsibility to help businesses succeed, and the main way to do that is adequate funding.

Collins adds, “Part of it is making sure that they have the financing, the technical support and the advice that they need, and that’s where government can play a limited role.”

Harbison says “One thing that lawmakers can do is listen. We have lot’s to talk about, and we have lot’s to offer that can help them make decisions that help us.”

Collins says that’s what she’s working in Washington to do: Lend an ear to small businesses and be their voice on Capitol Hill, so that they can succeed and grow.

                 did you know?

July is National Blueberry Month. "Melt-In-Your-Mouth Blueberry Cake" is Senator Collins' favorite recipe.


  • 2 eggs separated
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup shortening
  • 1 ½ cups sifted flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/1/2 cups fresh Maine blueberries
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  • Beat egg whites until stiff in a small glass bowl. Add about ¼ cup of the sugar to keep them stiff.
  • Cream shortening and add salt and vanilla.
  • Add remaining sugar gradually.
  • Add unbeaten egg yolks and beat until light and creamy.
  • Add dry ingredients alternately with milk.
  • Fold in beaten whites.
  • Fold in blueberries lightly floured.
  • Turn into greased 8X8 inch pan and sprinkle top with sugar.
  • Bake at 350-degrees for about 50-60 minutes (until top is golden brown.)
  • Serves 8.
  VA Dedicates New Women's Clinic at Togus


 (Click the play button above or click here to watch the WCSH Channel 6 story)

From WCSH Channel 6:

AUGUSTA, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- Maine has more than 10,000 women who are military veterans, and they finally have a special clinic at the Togus VA hospital. The clinic was made official today, as veteran Ruby Gilmore –who served just after the Korean War – joined U.S. Sen. Susan Collins and Rep. Mike Michaud to cut the ribbon.


The women vets say having their own clinic will help more women feel comfortable seeking health care and mental health care. Kathy Russin, a VA counselor who helps women who suffered sexual assaults in the military, says, " It's s a safe and welcoming location. The women feel cared for and respected. "

                     Commemorating 200 Years in Newport


 (Click the play button above or click here to watch the WABI Channel 5 story)

From WABI Channel 5:

Newport’s weeklong bicentennial celebration wrapped up today with a special visit from Senator Susan Collins.

This week’s festivities included a parade, carnival, and canoe race.

Today Senator Collins helped seal a time capsule commemorating the occasion.

Along with momentos from the town, Collins added a special senate coin and an American flag to the capsule.

She says she couldn’t miss the chance to help a town with such a storied history mark its 200th birthday.

“It’s an interesting community that has had manufacturing, farming, forest products industry. It’s a very diverse community in its industrial and economic base. Most of all it’s a community where people really pull together, and I think the response to this bicentennial celebration illustrates how much the residents care about the community,” said Collins.

The time capsule will be opened at Newport’s tri-centennial in 2114.

  Celebrating Independence Day

 On the 4th of July, Senator Collins marched in the Bangor parade.  Here are some photos:



Mourning Frances Bloxam

 Frances Bloxam, noted children’s book author and Maine resident, recently passed away. Frances, who has 79, died at her home in Bath.

“Frances Bloxam was a Maine treasure who captured and sparked the imagination of countless children. Her book Antlers Forever! is one of my favorite children’s books, and I have read it to countless young students all over our state. I will always think of Frannie when I see their smiles as they respond to her delightful rhymes and lessons.

“Just last week, Richard Bloxam invited me to visit Frannie at their home in Bath, and we had a wonderful conversation. My thoughts and prayers are with her husband, her children, and all those who loved her. She lived a truly wonderful life and brought joy to so many.”

-Senator Susan Collins

(Senator Collins seen reading Antlers Forever!) 


    Meeting with Mainers

 Senator Collins always makes time to meet individually with constituents— either Mainers who are visiting Washington, D.C. or at home in Maine.

She values hearing from Mainers on a wide range of topics. Here are a few photos from recent meetings:


Top Row: The Stinneford family of Cumberland; Campers and staff from YMCA of Southern ME

Bottom Row: Fusaro family of Lisbon; Shannon Welsh, former RSU Unit 5 Superintendent, and Betsy Webb, Superintendent of Schools for Bangor School District 



413 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2523
Fax: (202) 224-2693

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