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Diabetes Leadership Council Names Senator Collins a 2022 Diabetes Champion

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Washington, D.C. - The Diabetes Leadership Council (DLC), a diabetes and health care reform advocacy organization advancing patient-centered policies, announced that Senator Collins is one of its 2022 Diabetes Champions.


The DLC presents the award to the most effective lawmakers based on their public commitment and legislative actions to increase access and affordability for America’s patients.  Senator Collins was recognized for her efforts to support biomedical research, insulin affordability, and improved Medicare coverage of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) and other devices that play a crucial role in diabetes care.


“As a Diabetes Caucus Co-chair, Senator Collins continues to drive policies that help the 37 million Americans currently living with diabetes,” said Stewart Perry, Board Chair, Diabetes Leadership Council. “Whether it’s pushing the INSULIN Act or supporting coverage of CGM devices, we are proud to recognize Senator Collins and hope her example inspires her colleagues to prioritize patient-first health policies to help the millions of Americans living with diabetes.”


“I have long worked to increase funding for biomedical research, which has produced revolutionary treatment options for those who are affected by this disease.  I am also committed to supporting federal policies that will help improve the lives of patients and their families,” said Senator Collins.  “The Diabetes Leadership Council is a powerful and effective voice for individuals with diabetes.  I am honored to receive this recognition, and I will continue to build on the progress we have made to better treat, prevent, and ultimately cure diabetes.”


The DLC is a patient advocacy organization comprised of individuals who combine their passion for advocacy with decades of diabetes experience and leadership to advance patients-first policies at the local, state, and national levels.  Their members – all former leaders of national diabetes organizations – engage policymakers and public and private sector influencers to call attention to the diabetes epidemic that affects 37 million Americans


Senator Collins, the founder and co-chair of the Senate Diabetes Caucus, is a member of the Health Committee.  In January of 2023, Senator Collins will become the lead Republican on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, which has jurisdiction over all discretionary spending for the federal government.