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WASHINGTON, DC—Senator Susan Collins, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is pleased to announce that Congressional negotiators have reached a compromise agreement on the fiscal year 2006 Defense Authorization bill that secures more than $1 billion for projects that benefit Maine , thousands of workers in the state, and our national security.   Provisions that were authored by Senator Collins include $100 million in funding for the DD(X) program specifically for Bath Iron Works, and a provision that prevents the Department of Defense from implementing a one-shipyard acquisition strategy for the DD(X).

            “The final version of the Defense Authorization Bill represents weeks of hard work.

The bill is good for the Navy, good for our men and women in uniform serving around the world, and good for our nation,” said Senator Collins.  She explained that the bill contains $1.8 billion for the DD(X) program—far more than the $700 million originally included in the House version of the bill.  It also includes Senator Collins’s request for $100 million specifically for BIW, $50 million more than the President’s request, for advance procurement for the DD(X) that will benefit BIW.  In addition, it includes Senator Collins’ provision that permanently prohibits the Department of Defense from moving forward with a one-shipyard acquisition strategy competition for the DD(X).