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Collins Reintroduces Bipartisan SWAT Act to Target Invasive Insect That Threatens Maine Blueberries

Bill would fund mitigation and research on spotted wing drosophila (SWD), which can harm blueberries and other fruit crops

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), Gary Peters (D-MI), and Mike Braun (R-IN) have reintroduced bipartisan legislation that would reduce the spread of – and advance research on – spotted wing drosophila (SWD).


The spotted wing drosophila is an invasive pest from East Asia that lays eggs in soft-skinned fruit crops, including blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Since their first detection in the continental United States in 2008, they have spread across the West Coast, as well as through Florida, Utah, the Carolinas, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The spotted wing drosophila have caused more than $700 million in estimated economic loss per year nationally – in part because fruit buyers have a zero tolerance policy if the invasive insect is spotted on crops, meaning entire crop loads can be rejected if a single larva is detected. In addition, the use of insecticide and other pest management strategies on these crops in the U.S. has increased, raising costs for farmers.


The Senators’ Spotted Wing Abatement Trust (SWAT) Act would establish a fund managed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to advance research and strengthen efforts to reduce the species’ population in the U.S. The fund would be authorized at $6.5 million annually for five years.


“Maine’s wild blueberries are an integral part of our state’s heritage and play a major role in our state’s economy,” said Senator Collins.  “The pervasiveness of the spotted wing drosophila has threatened the livelihoods of fruit farmers across the country.  If left unchecked, it could have serious repercussions for our state’s blueberry industry as well.  Our bipartisan legislation would mitigate the rapid spread of this invasive pest and help prevent blueberry and other fruit crops from being spoiled by this infestation.”


“I appreciate Senator Collins’ leadership in introducing this legislation with Senator Peters,” said Philip Fanning, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Entomology, University of Maine.  “Through the funding in the SWAT Act, growers here in Maine and nationally will be able to benefit from an important new tool in the fight against the invasive vinegar fly, spotted-wing Drosophila.  Since its emergence as a pest of berry crops in Maine and nationally, growers have suffered due to the increased costs associated with pest control.  A successful induction and establishment of this biological control agent, Ganaspis brasiliensis, will help reduce the economic impact of this pest, and our team at the University of Maine looks forward to partnering with APHIS to ramp up releases of this biological control and help sustain and grow Maine’s farms, and agriculture economy.”


"Once again, Senator Collins is standing up for Maine's farmers,” said Eric Venturini, Executive Director of the Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine.  “On behalf of Maine's wild blueberry farms and businesses, I thank her for her leadership and support.  The SWAT Act, if passed by Congress, will provide needed resources in the fight against a novel invasive pest insect, the spotted wing drosophila.  The funding it allocates could help support ongoing work at the University of Maine to develop cost-effective sustainable pest management strategies to combat this invasive insect."

