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Collins, King, Pingree Welcome Sweden to NATO

Letter comes as the Swedish flag is raised at the NATO headquarters in Brussels

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Congresswoman Chellie Pingree joined their Congressional colleagues in welcoming Sweden to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Writing to Swedish Ambassador Urban Ahlin, Collins, King, and Pingree called Sweden’s membership in NATO an “historic achievement” and thanked Sweden for its “commitment to defending democracy.”

“Sweden’s commitment to democratic principles played a major role in your accession into NATO. Your civic institutions are enshrined in decades of well-established law and your thoughtful constitution. Your fundamental principles of freedom greatly align with our campaign to counter oppressive autocratic regimes who seek to dismantle basic rights in their own countries and abroad,” the Members wrote.

“We do not take lightly your decision to end your centuries-long neutrality position in the face of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine,” they continued. “The sovereign decision to ally with NATO’s mission to ensure the collective defense of all its members is a deterrent unmatched by any alliance around the world. Putin’s blatant provocation of invading Ukraine has now created a stronger Alliance than ever before, and we are proud for Sweden to become a part.”

Sweden’s inclusion in NATO comes after generations of reluctance on the nation’s part to join the alliance. Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine – a peaceful, sovereign democracy – has been a harbinger of potential westward expansion and has changed the mindset of both Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

The full letter is available here and copied below.

Dear Ambassador Ahlin,

Today, we welcome Sweden as a friend, an ally, and a true democratic partner to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). After a long process culminating in a final, formal vote on March 7th, you are finally the 32nd country to join the Alliance. As the Swedish flag is raised at the NATO headquarters in Brussels, we send our sincerest congratulations on this historic occasion.

Sweden’s military is among the most capable in the world. Your armed forces are equipped with the latest in military technology and your service members consistently perform at the highest levels during military exercises. Your defense and technology industries are some of the largest and most advanced in Europe, giving the Alliance a much-needed industrial capacity boost.

Sweden’s commitment to democratic principles played a major role in your accession into NATO. Your civic institutions are enshrined in decades of well-established law and your thoughtful constitution. Your fundamental principles of freedom greatly align with our campaign to counter oppressive autocratic regimes who seek to dismantle basic rights in their own countries and abroad.

We do not take lightly your decision to end your centuries-long neutrality position in the face of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. The sovereign decision to ally with NATO’s mission to ensure the collective defense of all its members is a deterrent unmatched by any alliance around the world. Putin’s blatant provocation of invading Ukraine has now created a stronger Alliance than ever before, and we are proud for Sweden to become a part.

Sweden’s membership in NATO is a historic achievement. Welcome to the Alliance and thank you for your commitment to defending democracy.
