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Collins, King, Pingree Support Communities in York and Cumberland Counties Seeking Updated FEMA Flood Maps

Click HERE to read Sens. Collins and King and Rep. Pingree’s letter


Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King and Representative Chellie Pingree wrote to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Acting Administrator Peter Gaynor on behalf of cities and towns in York and Cumberland counties that are seeking changes in FEMA’s preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps.


Communities in York and Cumberland counties have filed alternate maps that they believe more accurately reflect flood risks, but they were rejected by FEMA.  At least two municipalities have requested a review of FEMA’s determination through the Scientific Resolution Panel (SRP) process.  Senators Collins and King and Representative Pingree called on Acting Administrator Gaynor to provide guidance to these communities on a process that would allow FEMA to consider corrections to the maps, and to help minimize disruptions to property owners.


“Multiple cities and towns in these counties have contacted us with the concern that these maps do not accurately reflect the risk of floods in their communities,” Senators Collins and King and Representative Pingree wrote. 


“Given the importance of properly-priced flood insurance to homes and businesses in these communities, we believe that every effort should be made to ensure that the flood maps that are ultimately put in place by FEMA are scientifically and technically correct,” they continued.


Click HERE to read Sens. Collins and King and Rep. Pingree’s letter