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Collins, Feinstein Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Opposing Another Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced a bipartisan resolution calling on the Senate to oppose another government shutdown.


“Government shutdowns represent a failure to govern and are never good policy – ever. They are ineffective and they cause tremendous harm not only to those who need to interact with the closed agencies, but also federal workers, federal contractors, and their families,” said Senator Collins. “Another shutdown is not an option. I encourage our colleagues to work with us to show the American people that we can govern effectively.”


Senator Collins has always opposed government shutdowns.  She is the founder of the Common Sense Coalition, a bipartisan group of senators who wrote the framework of the plan that ended the 16-day government shutdown in October 2013 as well as the shutdown in February 2018.  She also worked with Senators on both sides of the aisle to reopen government following the most recent government shutdown.


Senator Collins has also sought to mitigate the harm caused by shutdowns, including for federal employees and their families.  Last month, the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act was signed into law, legislation Senator Collins authored with Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) that guarantees that furloughed federal employees are paid retroactively as soon as shutdowns end.  In addition, Senators Collins and Ron Johnson (R-WI) introduced the Shutdown Fairness Act, legislation to ensure federal workers that are deemed “excepted” and required to come to work each day are paid on time.  Earlier this month, Senator Collins cosponsored a bill that would provide back pay for the federal contractor employees who went without pay during the recent government shutdown. 


Click HERE to read the full text of Senators Collins and Feinstein’s resolution.