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Collins, Feinstein Announce Provisions from Personal Care Products Bill Included in Draft FDA Reform Legislation

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced that provisions from their Personal Care Products Safety Act have been included in the bipartisan U.S. Food and Drug Administration discussion draft released by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.


“We’re grateful to Chair Murray and Ranking Member Burr for including provisions from our bill to strengthen safety regulations for personal care products. Including these provisions in the FDA reform bill will help bring the FDA’s safety rules into the 21st century,” said Senators Collins and Feinstein. “Safety regulations governing personal care products like shampoo, deodorant, and cosmetics haven’t been updated in more than 80 years, which hamstrings FDA’s ability to protect consumers from toxic chemicals in these products.”


“We are delighted to see important provisions from our bill, such as granting FDA the authority to issue product recalls and requiring cosmetic labels to contain additional product safety information, included in this draft legislation. These are critical steps to more effectively protect the health and safety of American consumers,” continued Senators Collins and Feinstein. “We have worked on this issue for years in an effort to build a diverse coalition of supporting organizations, including manufacturers and consumer safety groups. We look forward to working with Senators Murray and Burr to get this bill enacted this year.”


The provisions from Senators Collins and Feinstein’s Personal Care Products Safety Act included in the FDA reform bill include:


  • FDA Mandatory Recall Authority: FDA may recall products likely to cause serious harm when a company refuses to voluntarily cease distribution and recall the product.


  • Good Manufacturing Practices: FDA will issue regulations to outline good manufacturing practices for personal care products.


  • New Requirements for Cosmetic Companies: Companies will need to register with FDA, disclose the ingredients they use, and attest that they have safety records for their products.


  • Adverse Health Reporting: Companies will need to report serious adverse health events associated with the use of their products.


  • Small Business Flexibility: FDA will provide technical assistance and additional flexibility for smaller companies to comply with the law.

