"President Reagan was instrumental in helping to raise awareness about Alzheimer's Disease when he wrote his courageous letter announcing that he was retiring from public life because he had been diagnosed with this devastating disease," said Senator Collins. "Since then, our investments in Alzheimer's disease research have begun to pay dividends. Effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease and a possible vaccine are tantalizingly within our grasp. Moreover, if scientists can find a way to delay to offset of this devastating disease for even five years, our nation will save at least $50 billion in annual health and long-term care costs, and an inestimable amount in human suffering."
The bill increases the current funding level for Alzheimer's research at NIH from $700 million to $1.4 million. It provides support for Alzheimer's patients and their families by increasing funding for the National Family Caregiver Support Program. It also provides a tax credit of up to $3,000 to help families meet the costs of caring for a loved one with long-term care needs.
"President and Mrs. Reagan's leadership in the fight against Alzheimer's disease and in support of family caregivers has been a tremendous inspiration to us all," said Senator Collins. "It is now time for Congress to pick up the banner, and I hope that all of our colleagues will join us in cosponsoring and passing this important legislation."