"But we owe them more. We owe them our commitment to build a world of security and peace. I am proud of the job our men and women in the military are doing to work toward this goal. Here at home, Americans can do their part through simple gestures, such as flying the flag or saying thank you to those in uniform. The United States government can do its part to provide those on the front lines here at home, our first responders, with the tools and resources they need to protect our communities.
"The special character of our great Republic shone through with particular brilliance in the wake of September 11th. It shone through in the sacrifices made by so many in helping our fellow citizens in terribly trying times. It shone in our commitment to bedrock values that make our system of government worth protecting. Fortified by the adversity we have endured, with confident faith in ourselves, our resolve, and our mission, America will continue to light the world for generations to come."