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(Washington, D.C.)--- Today Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commissioner Sue Turner visited Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. Commissioner Turner had not visited the shipyard previously. Maine Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, New Hampshire Senators Judd Gregg and John Sununu, Maine Representatives Tom Allen and Mike Michaud and New Hampshire Representatives Jeb Bradley and Charles Bass issued the following statement:

"We are pleased that Commissioner Turner chose to visit Portsmouth Naval Shipyard in person. It is our hope that seeing this installation, its facilities, and the world=s finest Naval shipyard workers will prove to her that closing the most efficient shipyard in the country would endanger the readiness of our submarine fleet and our national security. Several of the Commissioners' comments during last week's hearing indicated that they are not convinced that the Pentagon's recommendation to close Portsmouth is sound, and we thank Commissioner Turner for taking the time to look more deeply into the matter."