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Fourth of July celebrations across our nation will mark the date when American colonists declared their independence from British rule and forged a new country rooted in the ideals of liberty and justice. As we do every year, we will commemorate our Declaration of Independence and celebrate the freedom that has made our country great from its earliest days to the present.

This is the 227th American Independence Day, but the many years that have passed since the days of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have not dimmed the luster of the brilliant ideals of these great leaders.

Americans today know that liberty is as precious as it ever was and that we must always guard against those who disagree with the idea that all men - and women - should be free to live their own lives according to their own consciences. This year, as in so many years before, we give special thanks to our men and women in uniform, especially those who paid the ultimate price to preserve our freedom and protect our nation.

I will mark the congressional Independence Day recess by traveling to Iraq to thank our American service men and women for their service and sacrifice in Operation Iraqi Freedom and to ensure that they are as safe and well equipped as possible. Following my trip, I will be returning home to celebrate with Mainers in Winslow and Easport. I cannot think of a more fitting way to celebrate the birth of America's democracy than by visiting our troops abroad. I am especially looking forward to thanking the nearly 300 Mainers and their colleagues serving in the region, for their pride and professionalism in carrying out their duties to protect our nation. My conversations with the troops who are on the front lines there, as well as the civilian and diplomatic personnel, will help me learn firsthand what is going on in Iraq. As a Member of the Armed Services Committee, this will be extremely helpful to me as my committee makes critical decisions concerning the deployment of American troops and the expenditure of billions of dollars for our national security.

I will return to Maine in time to march in the Independence Day parades of Winslow and Eastport. In Winslow, I am also looking forward to participating in the unveiling of the Heart of America Quilt, a tribute to the victims and survivors of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The Heart of America Quilt is a wonderful symbol of Americans' determination to uphold those values we hold dear, and idea that was conceived by Sue Morisette and her family in the days following 9-11.

As a nation, we have much to be proud of on this Independence Day. I am looking forward to joining our neighbors in Maine and those stationed abroad to mark this momentous anniversary.

I wish all Mainers and their families a happy and safe Independence Day.