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American Postal Workers Union Strongly Supports Senator Collins’ USPS COVID-19 Relief Bill

Washington, D.C.—In a letter to U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Mark Dimondstein, President of the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO, expressed his strong support for The Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act that was introduced by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) on July 2nd.  Their bill would provide USPS with up to $25 billion to cover revenue losses or operational expenses resulting from COVID-19. 


“The United States Postal Service is our shared national treasure,” Mr. Dimondstein wrote.  “For generations, postal workers have reliably fulfilled the mission of the Postal Service to bind the Nation together, processing, sorting and delivering vital medicines, Social Security and other benefits, financial transactions, elections material and countless other packages and mail to 160 million addresses, six days a week.”


“The bill you introduced, The Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act, S.4174, would set the Postal Service on firm footing to weather the COVID-19 storm and continue the vital services the country relies upon,” Mr. Dimondstein continued.  “The APWU applauds Senators Collins and Feinstein for their bipartisan leadership and we look forward to working with them to secure the financial relief the Postal Service needs.”


The Postal Service Emergency Assistance Act is supported by: the American Postal Workers Union, Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, National Active and Retired Federal Employees, National Association of Postal Supervisors, National Postal Mail Handlers Union, National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, the Package Coalition, the PRINTING United Alliance, and United Postmasters and Managers of America.


Click HERE to read the American Postal Workers Union’s letter.



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