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$500,000 for Mountain Valley Middle School Secured by Senator Collins in Funding Bill in First Key Step

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she secured $500,000 for Mountain Valley Middle School in the draft Fiscal Year 2023 Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill.  


As the Ranking Member and lead Republican on the Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Collins secured funding for this project in the bill, which was officially released by the full Senate Appropriations Committee today and must now be voted upon by the full Senate and House.


“Encouraging healthy habits from an early age provides countless benefits for children’s physical and mental health.  In addition, research has demonstrated that regular exercise improves students’ ability to learn in the classroom and helps them achieve their full potential,” said Senator Collins.  “This Wellness Center would give students the opportunity to engage in physical activity and build skills that promote a lifetime of health and fitness.  As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to champion this funding as the appropriations process moves forward.” 


RSU 10 is in the process of building a new middle school to serve students in Pre-K through 8th grade in the Mountain Valley region.


This funding would support the school district’s plan to add a Wellness Fitness Center at the new school to house the fitness equipment they currently own across the three schools that are moving into this one. 


The Wellness Fitness Center could be used not only by students and school staff, but also by the general public.  It would include space for other community wellness activities such as smoking cessation classes and weight loss support.


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