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$273,000 for Bethel Food Pantry Secured by Senator Collins in Funding Bill in First Key Step

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she secured $273,000 for the Bethel District Exchange and Food Pantry in the draft Fiscal Year 2023 Agriculture Appropriations bill.  The bill, which was officially released by the full Senate Appropriations Committee today, must still be voted upon by the full Senate and House.


“The dedicated staff and volunteers at the Bethel District Exchange and Food Pantry work tirelessly to provide nutritious food to low-income individuals and families in Maine,” said Senator Collins.  “This investment will provide the Food Pantry with an updated, modern facility to continue to serve Mainers with healthy food while also reopening the clothing exchange.  As a senior member of the Appropriations Committee, I will continue to champion this funding on behalf of the Bethel Food Pantry as the appropriations process moves forward.”


The Bethel Food Pantry serves at least 14 Western Maine towns and feeds 90 families twice a month, giving clients approximately two weeks’ worth of food.  The organization is also the regional supplier of Senior Boxes for those age 60 and older and provides food and clothing in each of the SAD 44 schools.  Middle Intervale Farm partners with the food pantry to deliver local produce to clients year round.


The funding for this project would help renovate a facility that will serve as a new permanent location for the Bethel Exchange and Food Pantry.  The new facility would improve the Food Pantry’s ability to store and facilitate donations from local supermarkets and expand partnerships with local farms.  The organization also plans to reopen the District Exchange, which sells used clothes and donates clothes to those in need.