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$1.5 Million for Old Town YMCA Secured by Senator Collins in Funding Bill

Washington, D.C.--U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced that she secured $1,500,000 for the Old Town YMCA in the Fiscal Year 2023 Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill.  As the Ranking Member and lead Republican on the Transportation, Housing, and Urban Development Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Collins co-authored the bill. 


The omnibus funding package passed the Senate by a vote of 68-29.  It will now be passed by the House before heading to the President’s desk to be signed into law.


“Community institutions like the YMCA are wonderful assets for towns that bring families and neighbors together,” said Senator Collins.  “This funding for the Old Town YMCA will revitalize the facility, making it more inviting and accessible to local residents.”


Among other improvements, the funding will be used to provide a facelift to the facility, make energy efficiency upgrades, improve ADA accessibility, and replace old lockers and equipment.

