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$14.2 Million for Maine’s Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Secured by Senator Collins

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a senior member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, announced today that she secured $14,180,000 for nine water and wastewater infrastructure projects across Maine in the Fiscal Year 2022 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill.  


The omnibus funding package passed the House and the Senate and now heads to the President’s desk to be signed into law.


“Maintaining and upgrading water and wastewater systems is vital to ensuring the economic and environmental health of the community,” said Senator Collins.  “I strongly advocated for these significant investments in Maine’s infrastructure that will help Mainers continue to have access to clean, safe drinking water.” 


“This funding is fantastic news for these communities and the people of the State of Maine,” said Kirsten Hebert, Executive Director of the Maine Rural Water Association.  “With so much need for infrastructure funding we are proud to have Senator Collins advocating on behalf of the water and wastewater community, and we look forward to working with her in the future to secure additional funding for these critical projects.”


Details on the funding for the nine water and wastewater projects that Senator Collins secured are below:


Berwick Water Utilities Upgrade

Recipient: Town of Berwick

Location: Berwick, ME

Amount: $2,800,000

Purpose: To upgrade a water treatment plan to remove a high concentration of manganese and reduce the disinfection by-products in the water.


Oak Grove Sewer Subsystem Remediation Project

Recipient: City of Brewer

Location: Brewer, ME

Amount: $1,103,000

Purpose: To rehabilitate one mile of aging sewer to reduce and possibly eliminate combined sewer overflows to the Penobscot River. This project is a priority to the State of Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the US Environmental Protection Agency.


Bridgton Sewer Main Extensions

Recipient: Town of Bridgton

Location: Bridgton, ME

Amount: $1,400,000

Purpose: To extend Bridgton’s sewer system to serve additional residents. When extended, the system will service up to 181 residential homes, 270 residential units in multi-family dwellings, nine existing businesses employing over 100 employees, and a new commercial building with six units.


Town of Frenchville Force Main and Pump Station Upgrade

Recipient: Town of Frenchville

Location: Frenchville and St. Agatha, ME

Amount: $247,000

Purpose: To replace 3,200 feet of force main and upgrade the pump station serving Frenchville and St. Agatha.


Livermore Falls Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade Project

Recipient: Town of Livermore Falls

Location: Livermore Falls, ME

Amount: $1,700,000

Purpose: To upgrade the wastewater treatment facility that serves the towns of Livermore Falls and Jay. Upgrades are needed to address structural deficiencies with the primary clarifiers, chlorine contact chambers, sludge holding tanks, and to improve safety.


Old Orchard Beach Wastewater Treatment Facility and Pump Stations Upgrades

Recipient: Town of Old Orchard Beach

Location: Old Orchard Beach, ME

Amount: $1,000,000

Purpose: To upgrade Old Orchard Beach’s wastewater treatment facility and four of the existing pump stations.


Saco Water Resource Recovery Resiliency Project

Recipient: City of Saco

Location: Saco, ME

Amount: $3,930,000

Purpose: To complete the initial phase of the Water Resource Recovery Resiliency Project. The existing facility has experienced back-ups and flooding. Upgrades are needed to help improve the existing system and protect the Saco River.


Chaffee Brook Pump Station Upgrades

Recipient: Town of Winslow

Location: Winslow, ME

Amount: $1,000,000

Purpose: To increase the capacity of the Chaffee Brook Pump Station to eliminate combined sewer overflows and improve the health and sanitation conditions of the system.


Belfast Sewer Line Replacements

Recipient: City of Belfast

Location: Belfast, ME

Amount: $1,000,000

Purpose: To replace segments of an aging sewer line in Belfast.



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